Posts Tagged ‘raw’

Re-Format Your RAW Flash Memory Card

So what is the best way to re-format your flash memory card in RAW format?

format raw flash memory

Unfortunately Windows doesn’t recognize RAW partitions as valid memory…so trying to use Windows utilities just wont work. Windows wont format a card unless it’s in a way that Windows can understand – this would be FAT or FAT32 format for a flash memory card. Sure, you can use Windows utilities to re-format the RAW card into a FAT or FAT32 format, but keeping your RAW format can only be done one way. The most common use of RAW is with digital cameras, and with every digital camera you have the option to re-format the card. This is the process you should use. Depending on your camera performance this format process might be quick or might take some time. So be prepaired. Most cameras will recognize a flash memory card that is FAT, FAT32 or RAW format so you should be fine regardless of the re-format you just [accidentily] performed! Continue Reading 5 Comments

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