As Gizmodo says, “swindled“Â That’s what we are all feeling when Tom’s Hardware determined solid state drives don’t save power, they slurp it up like a 64oz soda from 7-11.
The theory behind SSD (Solid State Drives) would be no moving parts, thus a big power savings. This thought process seemed particularely promessing for portable laptops. However, it seems the “moving parts” cousin – our traditional disk drives – do a better job at power management.
Tom’s Hardware is drawing some conclusions from their experiment. Since SSD has an “On or Off” mode this means when your laptop is on, that Solid State Drive is always drawing power; whereas, the old fashion disk drive only draws power when it’s searching for data and thus doesn’t always draw a certain level of power…in fact, these drives are optomized to only pull power at peak search times.
Not sure how much water this theory holds, as the disk drives always need power just to know when a request is being made, but hey, Tom’s Hardware has more resources [for both testing and experience] so I’ll take their word at face value for the moment.
Read more:Â Giz via Tom’s Hardware.
Kicking around in technology since 2002. I like to write about technology products and ideas, but at the consumer level understanding. Some tech, but not too techie.
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