Skull microSD Card

It’s about time companies put some unique branding to microSD cards.  The format is #1 for mobile devices, and although it sits hidden in your SIM card slot 99% of the time, it’s nice to see some cool prints on the device.  Maybe this will encourage users to mainstream on microSD rather than USB for data storage and transfer.

microSD skull

This design, the microSD skull is also accompanied by another sytle which features a heart – I guess Elecom, the manufacturer is going for a his and hers theme. Pricing isn’t set, but I wouldn’t expect them to be a penny more than a typical microSD card. Source:


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Mark McCrosky

Kicking around in technology since 2002. I like to write about technology products and ideas, but at the consumer level understanding. Some tech, but not too techie. Posting on as well.

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