Secure Digital Music Initiative

The SDMI (Secure Digital Music Initiative) is an activist group that has brought together more than 200 companies and organizations representing information technology, consumer electronics, security technology, the worldwide recording industry, and Internet service providers.
SDMI’s goal is to develop open technology specifications that protect the playing, storing, and distributing of digital music so a new market for digital music may emerge and become successful for all parties. The open technology specifications released by SDMI stives to:
  • Provide consumers with convenient access to music both online and in new emerging digital distribution systems,
  • Enable copyright protection for artists’ works, and
  • Promote the development of new music-related business and technologies.

Mark McCrosky

Kicking around in technology since 2002. I like to write about technology products and ideas, but at the consumer level understanding. Some tech, but not too techie. Posting on as well.

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