Archive for February, 2022

Did Aleratec Go Out of Business? 2022

From all accounts it appears Aleratec closed their doors and out of business from sometime starting in February, 2022. attempted several calls to the corporate office in search of comment, but received no response. Furthermore, it appears that Google has removed Aleratec from their search results because their domain has been inactive for more than 30 days. We are posting this information in case end-users are looking for company support or warranty information.

Aleratec, Inc. was a family-owned California-based company with two decades of experience designing, developing, and marketing high-performance, dependable, and easy-to-use products.

Greg Morris, CEO of Nexcopy Inc, a similar company profile and also based in Southern California commented today after request, “I’ve known about Perry Solomon, the CEO, well over twenty years and he was always a good person to speak with regarding industry trends and business practices. Extremely friendly and approachable. Perry was focused on bring a solution to the market which brought true value to the end-user. I wish him the best of luck with his next business adventure.”

Aeratec offered PC-based and standalone flash memory duplicators, as well as CD and DVD duplicators, hard drive duplicators, and hard drive demolishers. In addition, Aleratec provided a “charge and guard” cabinet for charging portable devices such as tablets. The charge and guard cabinet proved especially useful in schools.

Some products are still available online at the time of this posting, but the majority of models appear to be out of stock or on back order.

If Aleratec would like to comment or provide information for post sales support and parts, please reach out at: gmo @ getusb dot info and we can post the information in this article

aleratec out of business

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Encrypt USB Flash Drive on Mac and Windows

Encrypt USB Flash Drive For Both Mac and Windows

This article explains how to encrypt data which can be decrypted on both a Mac and Windows computer.

Microsoft Windows accounts for nearly 80% of desktop computers, with Apple OS accounting for about 18% of the market share; (as of Q3, 2021) with this in mind, it is very common for users to want encrypted data to be shared on both Mac and Windows computers. For example, at work, Microsoft Windows is used, while at home, the employee uses a Mac computer. It is not easy to share encrypted data between these two operating systems. There is no installed solution from Microsoft or Apple that provides cross-platform encryption and decryption.

There are two options for those who want to decrypt files on both a Microsoft Windows and an Apple Mac computer.

Individual users can purchase software that encrypts and decrypts software for both Mac and Windows computers as one solution.

The other solution is buying a physical drive which supports decryption on either operating system.

The second option is better suited to a business. This is true because the employee or individual is not required to purchase software.

This article explains how to encrypt data which can be decrypted on both a Mac and Windows computer by using a specific USB flash drive.

The only known solution that has the following three characteristics in a product by Nexcopy. This is a company which provides feature rich flash drive duplicator solutions, but also provides advanced functions to flash drive, such as cross-platform encryption.

This is how the Nexcopy USB flash drive encryption solution works:

  • PC based software is used to encrypt the data
  • Included with the encrypted data are two software utilities loaded onto the flash drive
  • The utilities run from the flash drive and decrypt the data when the correct password is entered
  • The applications do not require installation, they run directly from the flash drive
  • The PCViewer.exe is the Windows based utility – no admin rights required
  • The is the mac based utility – no admin rights required
  • By launching the correct utility and entering correct password the files will be decrypted and displayed on the associated operating system

Please keep in mind there is a difference between the term “encryption” and the term “copy protection.” There is a difference.

The process of encoding information is known as encryption. This process converts the original representation of the information, for example, plaintext, into ciphertext. Only the authorized party who knows how to decipher the ciphertext back into plaintext can reorganize and piece it back together. The important thing to remember is that once the decipher is complete, the user can do whatever they want with the plaintext. That content can be copied, duplicated, shared, streamed, and screen captured by the user.

Copy protection includes the process of encoding; however, it adds an additional layer of security by prohibiting the user from doing anything other than viewing the content, such as copying, duplicating, sharing, streaming, and screen capture. To put it another way, the files can only be viewed and not modified.

Encryption is a valuable technology in situations where the content owner trusts the person with the password; however, security is required in the event that the USB flash drive is dropped, stolen, or misplaced. By encrypting the content, unauthorized users are prevented from accessing it.

Copy protection is a valuable technology for protecting content while allowing multiple users to view it. For example, a teacher may have valuable lessons that they want all students to see, but they do not want the lessons saved or shared with other classes. This is an excellent application for copy protection.

The company offers USB duplicator solutions for mass production of USB encrypted flash drives. Nexcopy also offers large-scale USB duplicators for copy-protected flash drives. So, depending on the individual or company’s needs, there is a solution for those who require encryption for both Windows and Mac computers.

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NAND Memory Continues High Demand

Micron memory

Micron plans to close Shanghai DRAM operations and focus more on NAND memory market.

Micron Memory, a USB semiconductor company based out of Boise ID, is reportedly planning to close their Shanghai operations which uses technology resources to develop DRAM technology. I source not willing to comment indicates a lack of talent or “loss of technical know-how” is a primary reason for the closure.

Micron expects the Shanghai Design Center to be operational until December of 2022 at which time the facility will be close and employees will be redistributed to either a US or India Micron location. The Shanghai location employees nearly 150 engineers and technicians.

Although reluctant news for the DRAM market segment, this does point to increased demand and interest for NAND memory. The NAND memory market continues to grow as storage demands increase and storage capacities increase. A primary NAND memory market is the USB flash drive market with the highest volume of commodity products, a number which capsulates the mobile phone market.

Micron was founded in Boise, Idaho, in 1978 as a semiconductor design firm. In 1981, the company moved from consulting to manufacturing with the completion of its first wafer fabrication unit (“Fab 1”), producing 64K DRAM chips. Micron went public in 1984 under the ticker symbol MU.

Other articles from this website which mention Micron products and technology.
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