Archive for August, 2010

3 Bit Per Cell NAND Flash

3 bit per cell3 bit-per-cell NAND is sampled out the manufacturers.  The 3 bit per cell is exactly that, 3 bits of information are stored in each NAND cell.  This increased the capacity while keeping the foot print the same size.  This ultimately leads to larger storage capacity at a cheaper price.  Traditionally, SLC [Single Layer Cell] and MLC [Multi Layer Cell] technology is used is USB and SD flash, but we will begin to see TLC [Triple Layer Cell or 3 bit per cell] technology have a full roll-out by the end of this year. Over the past 18 months the biggest problem with TLC is the stability of the memory and performance, but Intel and Micron feel they overcame those problems and ready for production.  More with their press release: Continue Reading 5 Comments

SanDisk Stock Possibly Under Valued

From a recent report published by Trefis, it appears that SanDisk stock price might be a good buy right now.  Now this article isn’t as much about buying the stock as it is about seeing the market share of SanDisk.

SanDisk market share

First, to be accurate for the article here is a quote from the full report:
“We currently have a Trefis price estimate of around $50 for SanDisk’s stock, about 11% above the current market price of around $45.”
Trefis goes on to report the market share SanDisk has for the flash memory market and in the retail space.  It seems clear with the ever growing popularity of the Smartphones, the number one category SanDisk owns, will continue to grow.  To me, it also indicates the relationship SanDisk has with retail segments is largely with the cell phone companies such as AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile and others and this is a big driving force in that number one position. Source:  Trefis. Continue Reading

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