Archive for December, 2008

Compact Flash at 300X Speed from RiDATA

RiDATA introduces the ultra fast speed Compact Flash memory card at 300X normal data transfer speeds.  The Supreme Compact Flash card is a 16GB haven for data storage.  President Harvey Liu claims the CF card was designed for photographers needing high performance flash memory for those ultra large digital files the pros are taking, but he might be missing one critical target market – embedded designs.

ridata compact flash 300x

As solid state memory is becoming cheaper and performs better, many embedded products are going the route of Compact Flash.  These embedded designs and products need large capacity and high performance. For example, did you know that most slot machines use either CF or SD solid state media to run the graphics you see when sitting at the slots?  The display screen with graphics and information which come from your registration card are powered from a solid state drive.  This is just one example of how embedded products are going more towards Flash Memory for data storage and processing. RiDATA Supreme Compact Flash card is available through the retail channel with a 2 year warranty.  Pricing is “competitive” but no price point was given in the press release or the RiDATA website. Continue Reading 31 Comments

Blackberry Storm Ships with 8GB microSD Card

The highly anticipated Blackberry Storm is shipping with an 8GB microSD flash memory card – but there’s only one problem.  The phone has gotten horrible reviews and lacks the functionality most require for a quality MP3 experience.  So now the problem – what to do with 8GBs of flash memory.  Sure you could find something to store up that card, like snaps shots from the 3.2mpix camera or store the entire yellow pages of phone numbers and address,  but the reality is – without a good MP3 player mechanism the storage isn’t all that necessary.

blackberry storm usb

Sorry for the rant, but to boost the value of the phone with a $20 8GB microSD card isn’t all that impressive. Interested to hear more about the Blackberry Storm?  You can read the following reviews: Phone spec: Verizon Storm. Continue Reading 1 Comment

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