Flash Memory Inside the Apple iPhone

iphone flash memoryWe tried to escape the iPhone buzz, but recent information came to light after some folks unscrewed the iPhone to see what’s inside. This is what flash memory they found. The Apple iPhone flash memory is comprised of two technologies. NAND flash and NOR flash. Without knowing how Apple used these technologies we can easily conclude (without certainty) how the flash memory is being used. Since NAND flash memory is best suited for re-write and allows an operating system to view the flash memory as a hard drive type storage space, the iPhone most likely uses NAND memory to store MP3 files, photo’s, video and other ‘come-n-go’ files. The NOR flash memory is best suited for storing code where re-writes aren’t as frequent. NOR would be used for storing application information, such as web browser, OS, Viewer files and other ‘stable’ code which wouldn’t change too often. It was also reveled that Samsung is supplying Apple’s iPhone with the main microprocessor chip and NAND flash memory. Intel is supplying the NOR flash memory to the iPhone. Continue Reading

70 Mini-Games for PSP from HotPXL

For the guys in Europe and Australia who already have a copy of HotPXL handy, we’ve got something for you. The game’s official site is announcing they’ve just released a download pack containing 70 extra mini-games for your playing pleasure. This is how you make the grab:
  • Download the zip file “HotPixel_70OnlineGames_PSP” (15.1 MB)
  • Connect the PSP via USB cable to your PC and select USB Mode on your PSP Menu
  • Check that you have a memory stick with enough space available (15.1 MB)
  • Unzip the file “HotPixel_70OnlineGames_PSP.zip”, it contains the folder “ULES00642DOWNLOAD”
  • Copy the folder “ULES00642DOWNLOAD” in the folder “PSP/SAVEDATA” of the PSPâ„¢ memory stick
  • Launch HOT PIXEL and in the main menu select “WWW PLAYLISTS” or “WWW GAMES”
That’s the latest update from Atari and zSlide’s minigame for the PSP. More details should be available in the read link below (the Hot PXL site). Hot PXL for North America is expected to land later on this year. Continue Reading

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